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Dear UIS Students and Colleagues,

The Springfield area is forecasted to receive its first snowfall of the season tonight through Tuesday. We do not anticipate any changes to campus operations, however we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you about UIS’ inclement weather policy.  

As our inclement weather policy states: Because UIS students commute from various locations, weather conditions may vary between their home and campus. If classes are not canceled and a student believes that travel will be dangerous, the student should make the appropriate personal decision and notify his/her instructor of a planned absence from class. Instructors are advised to abide by each student's judgment in such cases.

If, for safety reasons, employees feel they need to leave work early or are unable to commute to campus, they should use vacation/personal leave or request to work remotely as applicable. Employees with questions about requesting absence time due to weather conditions should consult with their supervisors.

The safety and well-being of our campus community is our highest priority. More information: UIS Inclement Weather Policy

Thank you,

Blake Wood
Interim Director of Public Relations
University of Illinois Springfield
One University Plaza, MS PAC 563
Springfield, IL 62703-5407