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Business Objects is scheduled for an upgrade to version 4.3 the weekend of March 25. This upgrade has a very different user interface; as such, we are no longer offering training classes in the current version of Business Objects. We are still offering 1-on-1 report assistance with our data experts. You can sign up here:

We are working hard to ensure you are prepared for this upgrade; therefore we’ve prepared a Preview Environment where you can experience the new interface. In addition, we will be available to meet with you and discuss this upgrade through a series of Town Hall Meetings. Please read below for more details. 

Preview Environment

We will have a Preview Environment where you will be able to login and write reports. The Preview Environment is scheduled to run from Monday, February 13 through Friday, March 17. You will have the same access in the preview environment as you do in production. The HTML version of Business Objects will be the only version of Business Objects available in the preview environment. In Business Objects 4.3, the HTML version and the Webi Rich Client version look almost identical, so this limitation should not be an issue. We recommend that you try out the Preview Environment at least once, prior to the upgrade.

Town Hall Meetings

We will host a series of Town Hall Meetings where we will do a brief presentation highlighting the major changes and answering your questions. We recommend that you attend one of the meetings. The Town Hall Meetings will occur on the following dates and times. Please mark your calendar now.

Additional Documentation

We are working on updating our documentation, creating new training sessions, user guides, KnowledgeBase Articles, etc. We anticipate most of these items being available prior to the Preview Environment going live.


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