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In July, we’re partnering with HR and the Rise Employment Development series to present the App Café, a come and go opportunity to have a little fun learning about new apps that your colleagues across campus can use for productivity, fun, lifestyle, hobbies, finance, and news/reading. In order to make this great, we’re hoping that you would be willing to share an app you love with the campus community.
What is an app that you love? What is an app you can’t live without? What best kept secret should be brought to our attention? If there is something you’d like to share, please fill out the interest form no later than the end of the day on Sunday, June 23. We’ll be in touch with next steps after this date!

Broadly, though, we would ask that you prepare a “digital poster” for your app. This isn’t a full presentation. Rather, think of a one-page visual aid that your colleagues could look at while you have a casual conversation with those interested in your app!
If you have any questions about this event, please reach out to COLRS ( We hope to hear from you soon!
Center for Online Learning, Research and Service 
University of Illinois Springfield 
217-206-7317 |
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