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Scott Larkin
Legal Studies

Scott Larkin, M.A Legal Studies Master’s Degree – 1993

While attending the University of Illinois Springfield (UIS), Mr. Scott Larkin states he “ended up getting connected with various State of Illinois Labor Relations people and was able to get into that field after graduation.” Today, Mr. Larkin serves as the Director of Labor Relations for the Associated General Contractors, Central Illinois Builders Chapter. Mr. Larkin states that the Legal Studies Master’s Degree Program at UIS was “a good confidence builder; it really fine-tuned your reading, writing, speaking and research skills.” He uses these skills on a daily basis in his professional career.

Mr. Larkin chose UIS specifically for the Legal Studies Master’s Degree Program. He originally was thinking about attending law school, and he thought the Program would “be a good way to get a flavor of that environment.” He enjoyed his time at UIS because he states that this Program “is unique at a very unique institution.” He appreciates the Program’s design to have faculty challenge his thinking and writing skills because it ultimately led him to this career in Labor Relations after he graduated with a Legal Studies Master’s Degree in 1993.

He wants prospective students to know that the Legal Studies Master’s Degree “provides individuals with excellent basic skills that can be applicable in a wide range of careers.” He has been able to successfully implement these learned skills from the Legal Studies Master’s Program. He advises students to take the time to get to know the people around you. Mr. Larkin took advantage of opportunities to develop lasting relationships that led to a career, and he encourages students to do the same.