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Shawn Craig Shures
Shawn Craig Shures
Assistant Director/Recruiter
Graduate Intern Programs

Office of Graduate Intern Programs, Center for State Policy and Leadership

Shawn Craig Shures

As Assistant Director of the office and graduate intern recruiter, Shawn has spent almost 20 years recruiting students for UIS’ graduate degree programs and the broad array of graduate internships and assistantships available. UIS faculty members depend on Shawn’s ability to tell the UIS story and connect their departments with prospective students. The students appreciate Shawn’s knowledge of career paths and how she can articulate the value of a graduate degree, as well as her assistance with applications and admission requirements. According to Shawn, “I take great pride when students I recruited complete their master’s degree and become successful in their lives beyond UIS. That is one of those priceless components of my job that make what I do so rewarding.”

Leadership is lived at UIS. Every day.

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