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The following column was written by Beth Hatt, director of the UIS School of Education, and was published by the Illinois Times on June 13, 2024.

"Having witnessed the magic of restorative practices firsthand, as the director of the UIS School of Education, I have been inspired to make it a unifying concept within the school. We have woven restorative practices into how we conduct meetings, resolve conflicts and incorporate pedagogical practices. We aim to become the first educator preparation program in the country to guarantee that all undergraduate and graduate students receive training in restorative practices.

With strategic investment funding from the university, the UIS School of Education is developing a Restorative Schools Network. This visionary endeavor will bring together multiple school districts to transform education through restorative practices. Participating schools will become model restorative practices schools and classrooms – places where UIS future educators can observe and learn about their implementation and a source of learning for schools and districts nationwide. As a part of the program, climate, discipline, achievement and attendance data will be collected to measure impact."

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