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The following is an excerpt of a State Journal-Register column written by UIS Chancellor Janet Gooch that was published on Dec. 18, 2022.

"The University of Illinois Springfield campus is quiet today as most of our university community settles in for a brief break between semesters. Fall classes are complete, grades are turned in and our students are hopefully catching up on some much-needed sleep.

It’s hard to believe how quickly my first semester as chancellor went by. I have truly come to love and appreciate my new professional home, as well as my new hometown, since moving to Springfield last summer. This community has been so welcoming, and I’m so inspired by the bright future I see at UIS as we continue to grow, both in numbers and in influence, to benefit all those we serve.

It was a semester full of listening and learning, building relationships, and most importantly, having some FUN."

Read the full column online.