Mathematical Sciences and Philosophy
Discovery Partners Institute
Associate Prof.
DPI Affiliate
- L. Kong, Y. Guo, C. Lee, Prediction of the Prevalence of COVID-19 Using Epidemic Differential Equations and Deep Learning Network. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (SIST), https://link.springer.com/book/9789819777853
- L. Kong, Epidemic Modeling Using Differential Equations with Implementation in R. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1080/0020739X.2023.2249902.
- L. Kong, Spreading Speeds of Monostable Equations in Locally Spatially Variational Habitat with Hybrid Dispersal. Journal of Applied Analysis & Computation, 2021, 11(1): 81-100. doi: 10.11948/20190123
- L. Kong, T. Nguyen, and W. Shen, Effects of Localized Spatial Variations on the Uniform Persistence and Spreading Speeds of Time-Periodic Two Species Competition Systems. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. , July 2019, 18(4): 1613-1636. Doi: 10.3934/cpaa.2019077
- L. Kong, N. Rawal, and W. Shen, Spreading Speeds and Linear Determinacy for Two Species Competition Systems with Nonlocal Dispersal in Periodic Habitats, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, Volume 10, Number 6, 2015, pp 113-141. Doi: 10.1051/mmnp/201510609
- L. Kong and W. Shen, Liouville Type Property and Spreading Speeds of KPP Equations in Periodic Media with Localized Spatial Inhomogeneity, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 2014, Volume 26, Issue 1, pp 181-215. Doi: 10.1007/s10884-014-9351-8
- L. Kong and W. Shen, Positive Stationary Solutions and Spreading Speeds of KPP Equations in Locally Spatially Inhomogeneous Media, Methods and Applications of Analysis, Vol. 18, No. 4 (2011), pp. 427-456. DOI: 10.4310/MAA.2011.v18.n4.a5
DAT 332-Matrix Analysis & Numerical Optimization; DAT 444-Operations Research Methods; DAT 502-Introduction to Statistical Computation (R based); DAT 554-Data Analytics Capstone; MAT 121-Applied Statistics; MAT 115-Calculus I.