Message from Dean Ermatinger
Dear 2021 Graduates: I wish to congratulate you on your achievement this May, especially as we have all struggled with the Pandemic that has altered our lives so dearly. Nevertheless, your hard work and determination has truly paid off. While this may not be the way in which you wished to celebrate your achievements, please know we are all truly proud of you. I hope that you take the time to thank all of the people who made your education and degree possible. Although we are living in a difficult situation and time, please know that as an institution we realize that your accomplishments are noteworthy. While it is common to give pieces of advice on days like this, I can only offer you a few humble words. One is to be thankful for what you have. Second, know that times of trouble and turmoil have always been with us and we always get through them. Third, be willing to use all of experiences to make you better and stronger. Finally, give back to society in whatever way you can, we will be thankful for your generosity. I again wish you the best of luck and please keep in touch. ~ Dean Ermatinger
Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2021

Mrs. Kara McElwrath
Assistant Director of Client Services, ITS and Adjunct Instructor
WooHoo! A heartfelt congratulations goes to all our graduates - not only for the impressive accomplishment of completing your degree but also for the determination, grace, and grit that you've shown to get to this point. I am bursting with pride for you! The world needs your passion and talents. I can't wait to see the great things in store for you!

Dr. Karen Swan
Educational Leadership
Congratulations Dana, Amanda, Mario, Joshua, Elena, John, Kelly, Elizabeth, Molly, Michelle, Erin, Christie, Daniel, Jacob, Daniel, Jaime, Myeshia -- It has been my pleasure having you in class.

Dr. Leonard Bogle
Educational Leadership
To all of the EDL/MAE students I have had the honor of working with I congratulate you on the completion of your masters degree. This will serve you well for the remainder of your professional careers.

Dr. Ronda (Mitchell) Gray
Clinical Associate Professor
Teacher Education
Wishing you the very best on your graduation day and beyond! Congratulations! I'm very proud of you!

Leslie Arnold
Adjuct Instructor - Special Education
Congratulations to all of my students who have completed their course of study in special education. You have worked hard during these challenging times and you have done a fabulous job! I know you will excell in all you attempt to accomplish. Great job! Keep striving to help your students succeed to their full potential. Best wishes, and please keep in touch.
Messages of Congrats
The Online Graduating Students of the College of Education & Human Services
Search for graduate names below and select to see their headshot and quote, if provided.