- Disposal of Electronic Equipment (desktops & laptops only) will be handled by UIS Information Technology Services. Individual departments will need to complete an Interdepartmental Transfer in FABweb to transfer the equipment to UIS Information Technology Services, who will then complete data wiping, internal redistribution, and disposal. The new responsible COA and Org are 4-305002.
- Disposal of non-electronic equipment (anything sent to the UIS surplus building) will be handled by completing a Surplus/Disposal transaction in FABweb. Once the transaction has been completed and approved by the department the request is reviewed by University Property Accounting & Reporting (UPAR) staff. After UPAR staff review the request, an excel spreadsheet approved by UPAR will be sent back to the department representative and the Facilities Scheduling and Services staff. Facilities Scheduling and Services staff will contact the department to arrange for transportation.
- Transfers between departments will be handled by completing a transfer request in FABweb. Once both the originating and receiving departments have approved the request in FABweb the property contact of the receiving department will use the “Save to Excel” functionality to create a spreadsheet. It is your department’s responsibility to forward the excel spreadsheet to Facilities Scheduling and Services. UPAR will not be involved in reviewing or approving these transfers.
[NOTE: FABweb transfers are currently coded to require at least one Tagged/Controlled equipment item, but units can use the functionality for all items by first adding a valid PTag and deleting the PTag from the list after all non-tagged equipment is added to the request.]
Transfers from Surplus
- Contact Facility Scheduling and Services at 206-6379 or surplus@uis.edu to inquire about available surplus equipment. Departments will be given a tag number or description of the items. Use the tag number or description to complete an electronic version of the Surplus Equipment Retrieval Form. Send the form as an email attachment to obfsuafrproperty@uillinois.edu. UPAR will forward the approved form back to Facility Scheduling and Services who will arrange for delivery of the equipment. Once the equipment is delivered to the department the records will be updated in Banner by UPAR.
- If you have questions, please contact Janet Ayers at jayers2@uillinois.edu or 312-996-2858 or Jeff Weaver at jweaver2@uillinois.edu or 217-244-7978.
Approval Date
Last Reviewed
Amended Date
Responsible Unit