- Submit mobile app development requests to webservices@uis.edu prior to beginning development. A personal developer account will be required to access the Apple and Google UIS developer dashboard.
- Upon approval, follow procedures outlined in the Web Policy for analysis, content guidelines, and design requirements (concepts should follow brand standards). For questions on implementation, integration, testing, and maintenance, contact webservices@uis.edu for more information.
- The Office of Web Services provides entry-level technical support for all issues related the UIS Mobile App. The Office of Web Services should be your first line of communication if you have questions or problems related to using the UIS Mobile App. For technical issues regarding your computer or software, contact Information Technology Services.
All activities listed in the UIS IT Policy [Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources] apply to all UIS Mobile Applications.
Effective Date
Last Reviewed
Responsible Unit
Division Head
Kelsea Gurski