
"Conduct a sentiment analysis on the following set of customer reviews for a new product. Provide a summary of the overall sentiment, categorize each review, and identify key themes mentioned."

Example Input

  1. "I love the new features! The interface is very user-friendly and intuitive."
  2. "The product is okay, but it didn't meet my expectations. It's too slow."
  3. "I'm very disappointed. The quality is poor, and it stopped working after a week."
  4. "Great value for money. I'm happy with my purchase."
  5. "Terrible customer service. I won't be buying from this company again."

Example Output

Sentiment Analysis Summary

  • Positive: 2 reviews (40%)
  • Neutral: 1 review (20%)
  • Negative: 2 reviews (40%)

Categorized Reviews

  1. Positive: "I love the new features! The interface is very user-friendly and intuitive."
    • Key Themes: New features, user-friendly interface
  2. Neutral: "The product is okay, but it didn't meet my expectations. It's too slow."
    • Key Themes: Expectations, speed
  3. Negative: "I'm very disappointed. The quality is poor, and it stopped working after a week."
    • Key Themes: Quality, durability
  4. Positive: "Great value for money. I'm happy with my purchase."
    • Key Themes: Value for money, satisfaction
  5. Negative: "Terrible customer service. I won't be buying from this company again."
    • Key Themes: Customer service

Key Themes Identified

  1. Positive Themes:
    • New features
    • User-friendly interface
    • Value for money
    • Satisfaction
  2. Negative Themes:
    • Quality issues
    • Durability problems
    • Slow performance
    • Poor customer service

Usage Tips

  • Use sentiment analysis tools like VADER or TextBlob for automatic sentiment detection.
  • Summarize the overall sentiment to provide a clear picture of customer satisfaction.
  • Categorize each review and extract key themes to identify common issues and positive aspects.
  • Use the insights gained to inform product improvements and customer service strategies.
Resource type
Prompt Type
Prompt Category