Type of Fund
Designation Use
Student Aid
Enrollment and Retention Management
Helen Dunn was a long-time supporter of UIS. She received the University of Illinois Distinguished Service Award in 2009. According to her daughter, Peggy Dunn, Helen Dunn wanted to be a math teacher, but was told she wouldn't be able to get a job teaching math because she was a woman. She majored in home economics instead. Her love for education never wavered. When Sangamon State University opened in Springfield, Helen Dunn took the opportunity to go back to school and was one of the first students to attend classes at SSU. She earned a master's degree in psychology. She later served as a member of the UIS Campus Alumni Advisory Board and on the College of Education and Human Services Alumni Council. She also served as an adjunct faculty member and supervised student teachers. This scholarship recognizes her outstanding support for the university.