Type of Fund
Gift Fund
Designation Use
Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Provost & VC Acad Affairs
The income from this fund shall be used to supplement the funding of a faculty position in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and the College of Health, Science and Technology at the Springfield campus of the University of Illinois and to provide for the payment of certain expenses in connection with the Professorships. The University of Illinois shall appoint and designate the individual who will hold and occupy the Professorships from time to time. The net income from the fund shall not be used to relieve the University of Illinois from providing at least the University's established minimum salary for professors to any holder of the professorships, but may be used to supplement such salary and to provide additional support for the holder of the Professorships. In addition, the net income from the Fund may be applied for the payment of expenses directly related to the Professorships, such as expense of recruitment and identification of appointees or prospective appointees to the Professorships; moving expenses of appointees to the Professorships; secretarial services and other assistance for the current appointee to the Professorships; and special equipment, supplies and travel allowances related to the work of the current appointee to the Professorships.