Type of Fund
Gift Fund
Designation Use
Student Aid
Provost & VC Acad Affairs
Public Affairs & Education
The fund shall be used to provide an award to a graduate student selected for distinction in completing an outstanding master's thesis or project and may also be used for travel expenses for the attendees to attend the award ceremony. If, in any year, the subject of the outstanding master's thesis or project is history-related, the Donor may make an additional current use contribution of $500 to increase the typical award amount for the recipient that year. The remaining net income from the Fund shall be used to provide awards to undergraduate or graduate students who are conducting research in history, with United States history preferred. The Chair of the Department of History, or designee, shall determine the recipient, amount, and timing of the award, subject to the approval of the appropriate University officials. Any net income that is in excess of what is necessary to support the history research award may be used to support other projects, initiatives, or activities within the Department of History, at the discretion of the Chair.