Civil Service Advisory Council MINUTES Wednesday June 3, 2015 10:00 a.m. – PAC 4E Present: Joanne Hoagland, Toni Langdon, Eric Needham, Kelly Walraven, Amber Pyle, Kurt Piskin, Jo Barnard, Bobbie Fults, Janice Marvel, Denise Rothenbach, Jamie Voyles Absent: Tracy Rakes, Lindsay Meece, Dawn Orlove, CJ Castelletti Guests: Laura Alexander (HR) Call to Order: 10:04 a.m. Additions to agenda: New Business Elections Approve Agenda for this meeting: Yes. Motion by Kelly Walraven, second by Jamie Voyles. Motion carried. Announcements: Next meeting will be July 8th due to holiday and elections. New Business: a. End of Year money – $225 remaining, plan to purchase gift cards for raffle and Appreciation Day -Bobbie will email Chancellor’s office for next years’ funding b. Elections – running late on elections, HR sent notices and elections will be held before next meeting Old Business: a. Fundraising Effort – plan for August or early Sept., 20th anniversary of scholarship, scheduling July meeting to discuss, possible game of 20 questions and cheap lunch b. Professional Development Funds - End of year report in progress, committee meeting tomorrow to go over report requirements, happy with first year results c. Search for Chancellor’s Office position update – Position has been offered, will be announced at later date Chancellor’s Report – no rep assigned yet HR Report – Laura Alexander a. Human Resources extremely busy b. Hopes for salary increase this year, without contract faculty union raises will be delayed c. Strategizing with new Faculty Union d. Two Civil Service Discharges Finalized Treasurer’s Report – Denise Rothenbach –None Committee Reports: APAC – Jo Barnard, Mae Noll – No report CARE/CSAD – Bobbie Fults -- Setting dates soon. Campus Senate – Kurt Piskin – New chair is Kathy Jamison in COM and Vice-Chair is Eric Thibodeaux-Thompson in Theatre. Campus Technology – Janice Marvel – New leadership SURS – Janice Marvel – Meeting next month SUCSAC – Jamie Voyles – Discussed merit board issues, next meeting in July UIEAC – Bobbie Fults (President), Janice Marvel (SURSMAC), Denise Rothenbach (SUSAC) – Difficult meeting due to technical issues resulting in poor conferencing quality Parking Appeals and Advisory Board – Dawn Orlove & Tracy Rakes – Amber Pyle will replace Dawn Orlove ROAD – Eric Needham & Kelly Walraven - No report not meeting during summer Sustainability – CJ Castelletti – No report Student Discipline – Amber Pyle & Tracy Rakes – no report Webmaster – Toni Langdon – No report Fundraising – Bobbie Fults, Denise Rothenbach, Janice Marvel, Kelly Walraven, & Joanne Hoagland – No report Campus Planning and Budget – Jamie Voyles – Annual report submitted, new chair Professional Development – Meeting tomorrow to review progress and develop End of Year Report. Motion to adjourn – 1st Ambert Pyle 2nd – Jamie Voyles Meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m. Minutes submitted by Janice Marvel – CSAC Vice President 1