Joan M. Brehm, Professor and Co-Director, Center for a Sustainable Water Future, Illinois State University, Bill Stewart, Professor, Department of Recreation, Sport, and Tourism, University of Illinois, Cory Suski, Professor, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois, Maria Librada Chu, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Illinois, Jordan Buffington, Graduate Research Assistant, Illinois State University

Dr. Kara Baldwin & Matthew Hagaman
Center for Mathematics, Science, and Technology, Illinois State University

ISU's Center for Mathematics, Science, and Technology (CeMaST) has led several initiatives to promote sustainable energy topics in education. Currently, two grant-funded programs conduct formal and informal outreach with how energy is used, how energy is transported, and how biofuels are made. 

The purpose of the Illinois Innovation Network (IIN) Research Conference on Sustainability is to generate new research collaborations among researchers working on sustainability topics.  

The IIN has adopted a broad definition of Sustainability, including research projects on the environment, health and well-being, sustainable food and water practices, business practices that support economic growth, education practices, and governmental policies related to Sustainability