Canvas Basics

Are you new to the Canvas LMS? Need a refresher?

Join COLRS staff to learn about navigating the Canvas interface and the foundational tools for organizing and building a course at UIS. Topics covered include: navigating, communicating with students, creating modules and assignments, and gradebook.

Supervisor Development Series

Supervisor Development Series

Spring 2023 Schedule:

January 25th: Workers Compensation

February 22nd: Supervisor Boot Camp

March 29th: Hiring Students, Grad Students and Interns

April 26th: Annual Performance Evaluation Training

Sessions will begin at 9am. Locations, speakers, and length of training will be announced monthly.

SEO Workshop

Search Engine Optimization Workshop

The Office of Web Services (OWS) is now offering workshops for additional training and learning opportunities for existing website editors and publishers. If you are not yet a website editor or publisher but you are interested in attending a workshop, first sign up for website training.

Learn about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and how to help guide your audience to what they need to know