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Most suicidal individuals give some warning of their intentions. The most effective way to prevent a friend or loved one from taking his or her life is to recognize the factors that put people at risk for suicide. Take warning signs seriously and know how to respond.

Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a concern with which many people struggle. Some common reasons that people use alcohol and drugs are: to escape problems or relieve anxiety, to fit in, to celebrate social occasions, and to relieve boredom.

Substance abuse increases the risk of harm from accidents and violence, and can result in missing classes or work, strained relationships, health problems, legal difficulties, and physical dependence.



Stress can feel overwhelming at the college level! There are deadlines to meet, professors to impress, resumes to compose and mail out, finals to study for — not to mention attempts at having a social life!

The Counseling Center staff members understand these issues and want to help you deal with them.



Stalking is a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. Stalking is a crime.  National Center for Victims of Crime

Self Injury

Self Injury

Self Injury is self-inflicted violence, self-harm, self-mutilation, and self abuse. It is deliberately hurting one’s own body, without intending to commit suicide. For people who deliberately hurt themselves, the behavior is a way of coping with overwhelming feelings. People who self-injure are generally turning emotional pain into physical pain. For them, this is a way of letting the pain out.