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Identity Theft Resources

Identity Theft Resources

Remember, if you have been the victim of credit fraud (15 USC ß1681j(b)) or are denied credit (15 USC ß1681j(c)(3)) you are entitled to a free credit report.  If you are a victim of fraud, be sure to ask the credit bureaus for free copies. They will often provide them.

Credit Reporting Bureaus

EquifaxRoosevelt Blvd
St. Petersburg, FL  33716-2202

Bicycle Registration

Bicycle Registration

Community members may register their bicycles with the UIS Police Department. Registering your bicycle with the UIS Police adds your bicycle information to a database that allows for easy identification of ownership in case of lost, stolen, and/or recovered bicycles.

Crime Prevention

What does UIS do to make campus housing and other campus facilities safe for students and employees?

UIS controls the installation of lock-cores and the issuance of keys. All keys are coded with a core number and a personal ID number rather than room numbers, so lost or stolen keys cannot be matched with a particular room or building.

When students move into campus housing, they receive information on safety/security. Students are asked to help enforce security procedures. Personnel from campus housing are responsible for assisting locked-out housing residents.