Networking is one of the most important activities that job-seekers need to master to be truly successful in their career search.
Networking is one of the most important activities that job-seekers need to master to be truly successful in their career search.
A job shadowing experience allows a student to spend a few hours to a day (or more) observing a professional on the job.
Informational interviewing is an excellent tool that can be used to gather important career related information.
Active Decision-Making equals making informed career decisions.
CONGRATS - You’ve completed Options to Explore
Diversity ResourcesDiversity ResourcesDiversity can be a key component of career development process. IndustriesNumerous Industries are available for your career exploration. Knowledge of various industries will assist you in choosing an industry compatible with your field of interest. Graduate SchoolGraduate SchoolWhen considering whether to continue on to grad school directly after acquiring your bachelor’s degree, there are many questions that should be asked before Career ExplorationCareer exploration can be very exciting but overwhelming due to the number of options available. It may be helpful to think in terms of determining a career path encompassing a variety of occupations. Choosing a MajorWhat is your major? You will hear this question from nearly every relative, friend, and student you interact with during your course of study, especially your freshman year. |