
According to a study conducted by researchers at Grand Canyon University in 2013, “full-time online faculty reported spending the majority of their time on two teaching tasks: grading papers and assignments (36.93% of weekly time) and facilitating discussion threads (14.73% of instructional time).” We recognize the hard work and effort instructors spend on giving their students meaningful feedback, but we also recognize the need to streamline the grading process so your time can be spent elsewhere.

State Library OER Grant Opportunity for Instructors

The FY24 budget for the state of Illinois appropriated $3 million in funding that the Illinois State Library has made for authoring, revising/remixing, updating, or creating ancillary materials for OER textbooks. The Open Educational Resource grant has a close turnaround time, with a maximum award of $150,000. Multiple grants can be submitted from the same institution. Applications are due to the Illinois State Library by April 1, 2024.

News Categories

Syllabus and Assignment Icons to Guide Student Use

Syllabus Statements

Whether you want to encourage or discourage students' use of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in your course, syllabus statements are a great way to frame the conversation about generative AI with your students. COLRS has created a common document for UIS instructors to share the generative AI syllabus statements. Please email your AI syllabus language to COLRS for it to be added on your behalf.

OER Grant Opportunity for Instructors

Join Emily Boles and Pattie Piotrowski, Dean of the Library, to learn about Open Educational Resource grant opportunity through the Illinois State Library and brainstorm proposal ideas.

OER are teaching, learning, and research materials intentionally created and licensed to be free for the end user to own, share, and in most cases, modify. They enable faculty to customize course materials and reduce student costs.

Learn more about the State Library OER grant.

Canvas Outcomes & Rubrics for Data Collection and Assessment

Join COLRS staff to discuss Canvas tools to enhance assessment. We will discuss Canvas Outcomes, Rubrics, and the Learning Mastery view of the gradebook.

If you attended the assessment series presented by Carrie Allen, the UIS Director of Institutional Effectiveness, these tools can help you to collect data on your course or program. Carrie Allen will join us to answer questions and share how her office can assist you in this process.

Improved Course Navigation

For students in online courses, Canvas course sites are their experience of our university. An organized and consistent layout that specifically directs student attention scaffolds success. A carefully designed course homepage is a great first step in guiding your students through the materials and experiences you've designed in your course.

Synchronous eLearning

Synchronous eLearning is learning that takes place online in real-time and enables students and instructors to ask and answer questions immediately. Tools like online text chat or videoconferencing are considered synchronous learning.

Zoom is a robust web conferencing platform integrated with Canvas at UIS. Faculty can schedule and start Zoom meetings from within Canvas. Students can easily join Zoom meetings and access cloud recordings through the Zoom menu in Canvas courses.