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Please join us on March 13, 2025 to celebrate this year's CARE and CAPE Award nominees and hear the chancellor announce the award winners. The Chancellor’s Award Recognizing Excellence in Civil Service (CARE) and the Chancellor’s Academic Professional Excellence Award (CAPE) have been awarded annually at UIS for the past 18 and 22 years. Each year, we receive nominations highlighting members of our campus community who consistently go above and beyond their duties and truly exemplify excellence. We will also announce the winners of the Nova, Orion, Polaris, and Sirius Awards.

The Employee of the Year (EOY) Program recognizes employees who have served UIS in an exceptional manner. Please join us at 3:30 p.m. on Jan. 30 in the Student Union Ballroom as we celebrate our 2024 Employees of the Month and announce the Employee of the Year.

UIS Library News

Welcome to the Fall Semester at UIS! The faculty and staff at Brookens Library are here to offer skills, services, and collections that will engage your students, enhance their academic success, and add to a lifelong journey of learning. The Faculty Resources Guide, a comprehensive tool that is a key resource, contains much of the following information. We encourage you to bookmark the Guide for easy access or find it on the Library’s webpage under the “Resources” drop-down menu.