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Marissa L. Jones

Hometown: Girard, IL

Why did you choose this degree at UIS?

After earning my B.A. in Environmental Studies from UIS in 2019, I wanted to continue to explore my environmental interests. I chose this concentration because it offered opportunities to build and apply valuable skills, such as using Geographic Information System (GIS).

What is your experience like as a graduate student?

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Geographic Information Systems Certificate

Elevate your career with the Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from the University of Illinois Springfield. This program offers a comprehensive suite of geospatial analytical skills, suitable for both academic and practical careers. Open to on-campus and online students, it does not require enrollment in a degree program at UIS. For more details, please visit the catalog page.

Geographic Information Systems Minor

Explore the World with Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Delve into the dynamic field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with our minor program. GIS combines geography, technology, and data analysis to unlock the power of location-based insights.

Why Choose GIS

In an era where location matters more than ever, our program equips you with the skills to excel in various geospatial careers. You'll learn to map, analyze, and visualize data to solve real-world problems.

Environmental Studies Minor

Discover the Environment with an Environmental Studies Minor

Dive into the world of environmental awareness and sustainability through our Environmental Studies minor program. This minor complements any major, offering a deeper understanding of environmental challenges and solutions.

Why Choose Environmental Studies

In a world where environmental issues are paramount, our program equips you with vital knowledge and skills to address environmental concerns across various fields.


The principal emphasis in the MS degree is on professional development. The graduate degrees are designed for those who intend to enter the job market for the first time, as well as for mid-career professionals. Faculty work with each student to create a specialized educational plan (developed before or during the first semester of study). Students should consult advising documents for their chosen degree and concentrations.