CFE - Let’s Explore ChatGPT

Let’s Explore ChatGPT 

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot that can produce detailed responses to questions. In this session Sarah Collins (CASA) and Emily Boles (COLRS) will demonstrate how ChatGPT is used and the types of output it can produce. This is the first in a series of sessions relating to this tool (which was released on November 30, 2022) that may have major implications for education.

This session will also be available on Zoom:

CFE - Rehearsals: Let's Practice Together

Rehearsals: Let's Practice Together

Rehearsals are a high impact teaching practice that allows pre-service teachers the opportunity to rehearse complex instructional practices in settings with reduced responsibilities. Come explore how rehearsals are used in a math methods course and brainstorm how they can be used in your own classroom! 

Presenter: Amy (Hewitt) Dunning, Assistant Professor, School of Education

CFE - Teach THIS not THAT! Engaging Students in Online and Asynchronous Teaching

 Teach THIS not THAT!  Engaging Students in Online and Asynchronous Teaching

Teaching online, engaging all learners?  Join Maude and share successful experiences and best practices for online teaching and learning.  Universal Design, Differentiation, apps for student engagement, and time management strategies will be presented.  Design your own using elements from best practices.  BYOD!  BYOLMS! 

Presenter Maude Yacapsin, EdD, Instructional Developer, CAPE

CFE - Central and Southern Illinois Faculty Development Network Presents: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

Central and Southern Illinois Faculty Development Network Presents: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

Come join faculty from across Central and Southern Illinois discuss Universal Design for Learning as we hear from Layne Morsch from the University of Illinois Springfield. Join in the discussion with colleagues from multiple colleges and universities.