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UIS announces Spring 2021 schedule update due to COVID-19

The following update to the University of Illinois Springfield Spring Semester 2021 schedule, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, was emailed to the UIS community on Nov. 4, 2020.

UIS Community:

On Friday, Chancellor Whitney approved recommendations for the Spring 2021 semester from the Campus Senate Executive Committee. These recommendations include:

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Janet L. Gooch became chancellor of the University of Illinois Springfield on July 1, 2022. UIS is a comprehensive public regional university that serves more than 4,000 students, with 201 full-time faculty, 500 full-time staff and an operating budget of $90.5 million.

End of Fall 2020 Update

GoalsActual Outcomes 12/31/20Actions UnderwayDesired Outcomes by 7/1/21
1. COVID-19: Work with university and system leaders, faculty, staff, students, alumni and community leaders to ensure that the university continues to provide high-quality teaching, learning, research and service during the COVID-19 PandemicLaunched a “Return To The Prairie Plan” for fall operations.
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United in Safety as the fall semester begins

As readers of this column are well aware, UIS Chancellor Emeritus Susan Koch, who retired June 30 following nine years of dedicated leadership, cared deeply about making the University of Illinois Springfield an inspiring place for teaching, learning, research and service. A place where leadership is lived. And a place where people want to be.

Count me in as one of those folks.

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Message from Chancellor Whitney

Good afternoon!

I am thrilled to be joining the University of Illinois Springfield as your interim chancellor as we wish Chancellor Susan Koch a prosperous and well-deserved retirement. UIS has been in very capable hands for the past nine years under Susan’s leadership, and it’s my privilege to build on her successes. I’m committed to providing strong and steady leadership during this time of challenge and transition. As we move forward, please know supporting the important work of our talented students and dedicated faculty and staff is paramount.

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