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SECA Basket Silent Auction

"A Tisket a Tasket" It's Time to Buy a Basket!

A silent auction for the 2023 SECA Campaign

Online Bidding

Runs from October 23rd to October 27th

  • Bids Increase by $5
  • Bidding ends at 5:00pm October 27th
  • Payment by credit card or a one time payroll donation to a SECA Charity
  • Payment for basket is separate from an established payroll deduction for the SECA Campaign

Winners announced and payment due on October 30th.

Message from the Chancellor: 2023 SECA Campaign Kick-Off


Dear Colleagues,

As we settle in to a new academic year at UIS, I am writing to invite you to participate in the State and University Employees Combined Appeal (SECA) campaign. SECA is an annual opportunity for our faculty and staff to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities throughout Illinois and beyond. It provides an avenue for us to come together as a university and make a collective impact through charitable giving.

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Message from the Chancellor: Post-Retreat Surveys


Dear Colleagues:

Thank you for attending Friday’s Rise Professional Development Retreat! I hope you enjoyed the opportunity to connect with your colleagues while learning about and reflecting on the important topic of personal wellness. I was so impressed with the quality of information shared by our keynote speaker and our talented faculty and staff!

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Message from the Chancellor: UIS Update 9.18.23


Happy Monday, UIS!

In case you missed last week’s announcement, fall enrollment numbers are up by 11%! What an incredible achievement. Thanks to each of you for the amazing work you do on a daily basis. Enrollment reflects the combined efforts campus wide to be a welcoming place for our students to learn and grow.

New Information

Professional Development Retreat Feedback

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Message from the Chancellor: Register TODAY for the Professional Development Retreat!


Dear Colleagues:

Time is running out to register for our first Professional Development Retreat for Civil Service/Academic Professional staff and Faculty. The retreat is focused on Wellness in the Workplace and takes place Sept. 15. Registration closes this Thursday, Aug. 31.

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Message from the Chancellor: Happy First Day of Classes, UIS!


Dear Students, Faculty and Staff —

Happy first day of classes! Whether you are with us on campus or joining us online this semester, I hope you are ready to make the most of the months ahead. It’s going to be a great fall!

There’s a noticeable charge of excitement in the air this time of year, with the promise of new opportunities and the anticipation of what’s to come. I hope each of you has a rewarding semester and learns new ideas, forms new and deepens existing relationships and moves closer to achieving your goals.

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