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Message from the Chancellor: Interim Provost News


Dear Faculty and Staff —

UIS interim Provost Linda Delene has informed me of her decision to resign from her position, and I have accepted it, effective immediately. I thank Dr. Delene for her service to our university.

As you know, we are in the final stages of our search for our permanent provost. I will announce an interim plan soon.

Thank you,


Janet L. Gooch, PhD


University of Illinois Springfield

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Message from the Chancellor: Reminder! Encourage Students to Take the UIS Commencement Survey


Dear UIS Faculty and Staff –

Please remember to encourage students to take the UIS Commencement Survey by April 28. Our students' voices are critically important to help us make an informed decision about the future location of commencement and other details that go into making this a special day for our graduates.

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Message from the Chancellor: Listening Circle, Action Planning Opportunities Next Week


Dear UIS Community:

Next week, as part of our Belonging, Dignity and Justice efforts and in response to recent camps events, UIS will host Kevin Jones, a restorative practices expert who provides training and support to educational institutions. Kevin holds a master’s degree in restorative practices and provides training and coaching nationally and internationally. 

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