In Case You Missed It: UIS Faculty-Staff Academic Year Kickoff Recording

If you could not attend our Faculty-Staff Academic Year Kickoff information session last Thursday, Aug. 22, in the Student Union Ballroom, the Office of Electronic Media has provided the following recording so you can hear forward-focused updates for the academic year from Chancellor Gooch and other members of Cabinet.

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Reminder - Employee Development Series: Digital Accessibility is TOMORROW!

Please join us for the August Employee Development Series Digital Accessibility: Enhancing Inclusivity and Usability. This session will be presented by Vance Martin, Executive Policy Advisor for Accessibility at the University of Illinois System, and Carey Applegate, UIS Director of the Office of Digital Accessibility.

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Message from President Killeen: To fall, and beginning

To our students, faculty and staff across the University of Illinois System:

By now all of you are well into one of my favorite rituals of every academic year – beginning!

And with that beginning, our campuses open and fill with bright minds, big ideas, and grand hopes and dreams.

Our core mission – the pursuit of knowledge, the creation of opportunity, the betterment of society through research and discovery – is renewed, made fresh and vital with our return each August.

We each have vital parts to play, and opportunities ahead.

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Extreme Heat & Energy Conservation

Dear UIS Campus Community,

As we continue to experience extreme heat this week, City Water, Light & Power (CWLP) has issued a Maximum Generation Warning. This is due to the increased demand for electricity and a potential energy supply shortage from the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), the regional electric grid operator for the central United States.

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Fall Semester Reminder - New ID Center Location

Dear campus community:

As a friendly reminder, the ID Center has moved (in November, 2023)! We’ve had some recent phone call complaints about new students being directed to our old office space in SAB 30.

Please direct new students to visit us in UHB 1004. We're located across the hall from the Bursar and next to Military & Veteran Student Services.

We’re getting outside signs to direct students to the correct doors. In the meantime, we’d appreciate your help in sending students to the correct location.

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Faculty Newsletter: UIS Library News for Fall 2024

UIS Library News

Welcome to the Fall Semester at UIS! The faculty and staff at Brookens Library are here to offer skills, services, and collections that will engage your students, enhance their academic success, and add to a lifelong journey of learning. The Faculty Resources Guide, a comprehensive tool that is a key resource, contains much of the following information. We encourage you to bookmark the Guide for easy access or find it on the Library’s webpage under the “Resources” drop-down menu.

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