In partnership with The James Project, we will be supporting Foster parents ages 65+ that are currently fostering in Sangamon County. Many of these families are fostering/raising their grandchildren.

These families are in various phases of their lives. Some are in the "Sandwich" generation - caring for both their elderly parents AND foster children. Some have their own health issues and appointments. On top of all this, it can be difficult to juggle grocery shopping.

Visit our table to learn about ways to support youth through 2 organizations empowering youth and building stronger communities.


"Girls on the Run has fun, evidence-based programs that inspire participants to recognize their inner strength, increase their level of physical activity, imagine their possibilities, and confidently stand up for themselves and others."

Visit our table to learn about ways to support youth through 2 organizations empowering youth and building stronger communities.


"Girls on the Run has fun, evidence-based programs that inspire participants to recognize their inner strength, increase their level of physical activity, imagine their possibilities, and confidently stand up for themselves and others."

Help make 300 PBJ sandwiches for unhoused individuals and families in Springfield. This is an easy way to give back to the community and show that UIS cares!

Transportation to the poll for the 2024General Election. NOTE: Students registered to vote with a campus address use this location.

On-site voter registration is available at this location. If you intend to register to vote, bring a driver's license or state ID and at least one additional form of identification


The Sangamon County Board of Elections will be on campus for early voting in the 2024 Primary Election.  NOTE: THIS POLLING PLACE IS ONLY FOR RESIDENTS IN PRECINCTS:Only for residents in Precincts: Capital 14, 21, 37, 60, 70, 82, 92, Woodside 02 and Woodside 04

Students registered to vote with a campus address may use this location.

On-site voter registration is available at this location.