Lan Dong

Lan Dong is Professor of English and the Louise Hartman and Karl Schewe Endowed Professor in Liberal Arts and Sciences. She was a College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty Fellow in 2015, working on faculty development, faculty and staff handbooks, student petitions, and international student advising.

Peter Boltuc

SPECIALIZATION: philosophy of AI; machine consciousness

COMPETENCE: philosophy of mind, applied ethics (computer, business, healthcare, environmental), political philosophy, social capital; managemenr theory at the age of AI

SPECIAL INTEREST: cognitive science; e-learning; Artificial General Intelligence

Kristi Barnwell

"The classroom remains the most radical space of possibility in the academy…Urging all of us to open our minds and hearts so that we can know beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable, so that we can think and rethink, so that we can create new visions…." --bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress

Dr. Kristi N. Barnwell received her Ph.D. from the University of Texas, Austin in History in 2011. She has published works on the creation of the United Arab Emirates, British imperialism and American-Jordanian relations.