Prompting for Accuracy

The prompt asks for a summary of key discoveries made by a specific scientific instrument (the Hubble Space Telescope) and requests citations from reliable sources. This approach helps to determine the source of the information provided and allows users to check for accuracy.


User: "What are the top 3 most important discoveries that the Hubble Space Telescope has enabled?
Answer only using reliable sources and cite those sources."

Time Management Prompt

I’m a [job role]. I’m struggling with [areas where productivity needs to improve]. I’d like to [specific goal you’d like to achieve]. 


I’m a programmer who works fully remotely, and at-home responsibilities frequently distract me. I also feel like I lack accountability for my work. I’m having difficulty building a consistent routine that lets me work effectively and also have time for personal interests. How can I create better work habits and structure my days to avoid interruptions?