RTU Installation at WUIS and HRB - May 21

Please be aware that on Tuesday, May 21, new HVAC rooftop units will be installed on the WUIS building and the Human Resources Building (HRB).  There will be a crane onsite to lift the old units off the buildings as well as to place the new units. 

The crane will be onsite at 7:00 a.m. and work will begin with the WUIS building.  The exact crane placement will depend upon the condition of the dryness of the ground.  Markers and barricades will be used to cordon off the area where the crane will be located.

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Election of Campus Senate Officers 2024-2025

Dear colleagues,

Campus Senate would like to announce the election of Lynn Fisher of CLASS as 2024-2025 Senate Chair, and Holly Thompson, CLASS, as 2024-2025 Vice-Chair. We are also pleased to report that Deborah Anthony, CPAE, has agreed to serve as Parliamentarian. Full information about membership of the new Senate Executive Committee will be shared as soon as possible.

Campus Senate meetings will resume in the fall. Email announcements will be made prior to the first meeting.

Congratulations to all as we wrap up the academic year and best wishes,

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UHB Hot Water Repairs | May 13-17

Repairs to the UHB hot water heating system are planned for the week of May 13. There will be no interruption to the domestic water system (drinking fountains, sinks, and toilets), but you may notice ladders, tools, and equipment in the hallways and common areas, as well as the temporary removal of ceiling tiles to facilitate access to the piping system.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to maintain our building systems.

Facilities and Services

Business Services Building (BSB) 33

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New opportunity to comment on pending UIS policies

The Chancellor’s Cabinet is establishing a new opportunity for the university community to comment on proposed university-level policies or significant policy revisions. For at least two weeks prior to taking final action on a proposed policy or significant policy revision, the draft policy will be made available to view online along with a comment form.

Two policies are currently open for comments:

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Title IX Updates

Dear Members of the UIS Community:

On April 19, 2024, the U.S. Department of Education issued new Title IX regulations. At UIS, the Access & Equity Office (“AEO”) coordinates the implementation of human and civil rights laws, including Title IX. As your Title IX Coordinator, I am reaching out today to outline what our next steps will be in response to these regulations, as well as to assure you of our ongoing commitment to fostering an environment free from all forms of sexual violence, harassment, and discrimination.

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