Elevator Outage in UHB

Dear Faculty and Staff:

The UHB elevator near the women’s restroom is out of service for the immediate future. Parts have been ordered to complete the repairs needed to return the elevator to service. Unfortunately, the supplier is not able to give us a firm delivery date yet for those parts. Once we know more, we will share an update.

Please use the 2nd elevator around the corner in the interim.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Facilities and Services 

Business Services Building (BSB) 33 

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Faculty Announcement - Student Satisfaction Survey

Dear Faculty:

I’m following up on the Chancellor’s email to UIS students this morning to ask that you encourage students in your classes to participate in this brief student satisfaction survey. The survey opened today, March 22, and closes April 14.


On Wednesday, March 22 all enrolled students received an e-mail link to a survey from Chancellor Gooch.  

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Campus Senate Meeting - Friday, March 24

UIS Campus Senate will meet on Friday, March 24, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM in PAC C/D.

The agenda can be found here: https://uofi.box.com/s/t0t2lntoks30iaeoh4nfss17hr9xobif

Campus Senate meetings are open to all who are interested in attending any part or all of a meeting. Please contact the Senate Chair or any member of Senate Executive Committee if you have issues you would like to bring to the attention of Campus Senate.

Celest Weuve

Chair, UIS Campus Senate

News Categories

Register for the CAPE/CARE Awards Ceremony Now!

Please join us on April 5, 2023 to celebrate this year's CARE and CAPE Award nominees!

The Chancellor’s Award Recognizing Excellence in Civil Service (CARE) and the Chancellor’s Academic Professional Excellence Award (CAPE) have been awarded annually at UIS for the past 16 and 20 years, respectively. Each year we receive nominations highlighting members of our campus community who consistently go above and beyond their duties and truly exemplify excellence

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