Problem-based Learning

What is PBL?

Learning is more complex than memorization of facts. Students must learn to apply what they have learned to real life situations. After all, very few jobs depend on recalling memorized facts. Most jobs depend on application of knowledge or problem solving skills to solve complex problems. Problem based learning attempts to engage students’ curiosity and prepares students to think critically and analytically, and to find and use appropriate learning resources.

Facilitation Situations in the Online Classroom: Questions to Discuss

Please discuss possible answers to the questions below. This exercise will hopefully generate a lot of thought provoking discussion since there are many right answers to each question. Click the links for examples of activities and answers for each situation/question.

What could you do to “break the ice” or set the tone to provide a comfortable atmosphere in online discussions?

General Communication Strategies

  1. First, it is critical to clearly communicate your expectations. Provide a policy on expected student participation and a description of your grading criteria. Always include a grade for participation and a MINIMUM number of weekly student contributions to the discussion. At first, students may submit short, superficial responses – but at least they will start “talking.” In time, their responses and contributions will show more depth and insight.

Strategies for Using Chat as a Communication Tool

To conduct a useful learning experience, especially in an online course, it is important to have a focused chat. That is, one that focuses on a specific topic of discussion so that it is easier to keep some order to the chat.

In some chat programs, you can even save all or just a portion of chat sessions for future use. This feature could be used to post to a class discussion area so that students not able to attend the live chat can read others’ postings and not feel left out.

Strategies for Providing Feedback in Online Courses

Students need much more support and feedback in the online environment than in a traditional course. This is because the potential threat that students feel alienated is quite high in the Virtual Classroom. Using effective feedback strategies will enable the instructor to identify and meet individual student needs as well as encourage students to participate and continue to participate at a high quality level. Here are strategies for providing feedback in the online classroom: