Call for Photos

pond and flowers on UIS campus

All students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate in the STARS Symposium Photo & Art Contest.  Art selected will be used for the cover page and throughout the 2024 Stars Abstract

Call for Abstracts

Prepare your Abstract

An abstract is a summary of the project, and should reflect the professional format normally associated with scholarly work in the discipline (e.g., an abstract of an artistic performance may be similar to the program notes that typically accompany such a performance; science abstracts typically include background information, methods, results, and a brief discussion).

Undergraduate Student Conference Presentations

Undergraduate Publications

Faculty at UIS include undergraduate students as collaborators in their research, scholarly, and creative activities. These activities embody the value of an #ExperienceEngaged education as described in the UIS Strategic Compass. The outputs of these scholarly activities include professional presentations at local, regional, national, and international conferences.

Undergraduate Research Badge Program

The Research Badge Program

Undergraduate research, scholarly and creative activities have been shown to help students succeed in college and in their careers.  According to Astin (1993) “the two most important factors in student cognitive and effective development, satisfaction, and learning are the nature of students’ peer groups and the quality and quantity of their interactions with faculty outside of the classroom” (italics added).


This page provides resources and opportunities for students pursuing research at UIS.

The following faculty have expressed an interest in mentoring an undergraduate student in a research, scholarly or creative activity. Students are encouraged to contact a faculty member directly, using the department link.