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Supervised Study Rules

  • You must be actively studying.
  • You cannot be on any websites or applications that are not related to your coursework.
  • You may listen to music if it is on your computer and if you are wearing headphones and listening at a level that is not disruptive to others. However, it cannot take your full attention.
  • You may not use the couches for supervised study time — only the tables and desk chairs.

Solarium Rules

  • Please respect this space.
  • Please do not put your feet on the furniture.
  • Please do not eat food while on the couches. You may have a beverage if it is in a sealed container.
  • Please clean up after yourself.
  • Please return any furniture to where and how you found it before you leave.

The Learning Hub reserves the right to ask you to leave if you are not utilizing this space properly.

The Learning Hub reserves the right to end any tutoring session in which the tutee is not fully utilizing The Learning Hub’s resources.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Students bringing in unattempted homework, which causes the tutor to sit there as the student reviews the assignment.
  • Students not actively participating in their appointment.
  • Students acting disrespectful toward tutors, students or property of The Learning Hub.

The tutor has the right to refuse to count the visit as a Required Learning Hub Visit.

Cell Phone Policy

  • All cell phones must be stored in backpacks or purses while using Hub services. This includes appointments, workshops, SI and supervised study time.
  • If you do not have a backpack or purse with you, you may leave your cell phone (powered off) at the front desk.
  • If we catch you with your phone out while using any of our Hub services, we reserve the right to end your appointment, or ask you to leave the workshop, SI session or supervised study.

The Learning Hub staff will not complete student assignments.

  • Tutors will assist by asking and answering appropriate questions.
  • Tutors will provide feedback, but it is up to the student to make any necessary corrections or edits.
  • Tutors will not, under any circumstances, assist with take-home quizzes, exams, or extra credit.

The Learning Hub is not an editing service.

The Learning Hub operates on a check system. Students receive checks for missed, cancelled or rescheduled appointments according to the policies below. If a student earns 12 checks in a semester, they will be limited to making same-day appointments or seeing a tutor on a walk-in basis.

Cancellations and Reschedules

Please cancel or reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours prior to your appointment time to avoid penalty.