The History Master's Degree
The M.A. in History emphasizes the development of analytical research skills necessary for studying the past. The curriculum focuses on the comprehension and appraisal of historiographical perspectives and debates, the methodologies and practices of research in primary sources, and the development of skills necessary for the interpretation of the past for a public audience. The program offers a choice of three concentrations: Public History, United States History, and World History. The curriculum is designed to serve students with a variety of goals, including those interested in teaching; those pursuing careers with business, labor, or community organizations; those seeking employment in historical agencies, museums, historical societies, or archives; those desiring the intellectual stimulation of a challenging discipline; and those interested in continuing advanced education.
Questions about admissions, funding and internships, degree requirements, faculty interests, and career placements? Continue below or contact us at

The History Department accepts students for both Fall and Spring semesters, with a rolling deadline for application. Generally, applicants seeking funding should apply for Fall semester by March 1. Visit UIS Admissions for more information about the application process.
Funding and Scholarships
History MA students have an outstanding recent record of securing internship, assistantships, and scholarships--many that include tuition waivers.
- Graduate Assistantships: Assistantships in UIS departments and offices provide monthly stipends during the contract period. Assistants are eligible to receive a tuition and service fee waiver (this includes the activity fee, the intercollegiate athletic fee, the Career Center fee, and up to 8 credit hours of the Health Service fee) for qualifying course work. General fees and course fees are not waived. Assistants are entitled to a maximum of 30 credit hours of tuition waived during the academic year (includes fall, spring, and summer semesters). Application deadline: March 15.
- Graduate Public Service Internship Program: GPSI is ranked as one of Illinois’ premier governmental internship programs. For over 45 years this program has provided top-flight graduate students with a high quality graduate education, real world experience, and lifelong networking connections. Recent GPSI locations for History students have included: Illinois State Historic Preservation Office, State Historic Sites of Springfield, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois Department of Revenue, and the Illinois Art-in-Architecture Program. Positions include a monthly stipend, tuition waivers, and professional development funding. Application deadline: March 15.
- University Scholarships:
- Porter Coble Scholarship
- Mary and Nelson Howarth Scholarship
- Syma R. Mendelsohn Endowed Scholarship
- Study Abroad Scholarships
Degree Requirements
Visit the UIS Catalog for details on course curriculum.
Graduate Handbook
The Handbook is designed to help you navigate your journey through the History MA program. It contains guides to the curricula for the three concentrations and explains the timeline, requirements, formatting guidelines, and procedure for the closure options. The Handbook also contains helpful links and resources, including those related awards and scholarships. Note: The Graduate Handbook is currently undergoing revisions. Refer to the UIS Catalog entry for the History MA, or contact
Alumni Success
Graduates from the UIS History MA program work as professionals throughout the country. Just a partial list of recent placements includes:
- Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (Springfield, Illinois)
- Abraham Lincoln Home National Historic Site (Springfield, Illinois)
- Illinois State Archives (Springfield, Illinois)
- Illinois State Museum (Springfield, Illinois)
- Illinois Emergency Management Agency (Springfield, IL)
- Smithsonian National Museum of American History (Washington, DC)
- National Museum of American Diplomacy (Washington, DC)
- Federal Emergency Management Administration (Washington, DC)
- National Archives and Records Administration (St. Louis, Missouri)
- Washington University, Office of the Vice Chancellor or Research (St. Louis, MO)
- Grayslake History Museum and Heritage Center (Grayslake, IL)
- Green McAdoo Cultural Center (Clinton, Tennessee)
- Roosevelt County Historical Museum (Portales, New Mexico)
- New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center (New Bedford, Massachusetts)
- Yellowstone Shortline Trail Association (West Yellowstone, Montana)
Recent MA alumni have also joined doctoral study programs at the University of Mississippi, the University of South Carolina, and the University of Arizona.
General Writing & Reference Resources
Historical Resources by Topic
- Cold War International History Project
- Roosevelt Institute
- Gilded Age and Progressive Era Resources
- Illinois History Resource Page
- Lincoln/Net: Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project
- Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute
- New Deal Network
- Triangle Factory Fire (Cornell)
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
- Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil
War - Women’s Studies Database