Waste Management is here to provide information on proper disposal of various wastes in the campus community.

A material becomes a waste when it is discarded or can no longer be used for its original intended purpose. Waste management and disposal requirements vary depending on the waste stream. Information for various waste streams follows.

Chemical Waste

Chemical waste includes waste generated in science laboratories, certain art studio wastes, certain cleaning products, solids and paint wastes. For questions regarding the classification of a chemical waste, contact EHS at rchho2@uis.edu.

  • For chemical waste generated by the Science Division, call 217-206-8341.
  • For chemical waste generated by other campus activities, including paint wastes, contact EHS at rchho2@uis.edu or via phone at 217-206-8062.

Once the chemical waste container is 80% full, submit a Chemical Waste Disposal Request Form via e-mail to EHS at rchho2@uis.edu for removal from the waste generation area.

Medical Waste

Medical waste and other waste contaminated with blood and body fluids must be placed in red bags. Sharps containers must be used for medical waste that presents the potential for cuts or punctures. There are specific requirements for management of medical waste.

  • Questions about medical waste contact EHS at rchho2@uis.edu.

Confidential Document Shredding

Lockable security containers for confidential document shredding are available for a fee. Contact us at 217-206-6379 for more information.

  • To request a lockable container or to request an existing container be emptied, submit a work order with your CFOP included in the request description box.


UIS recycles several waste streams, including paper, plastic, aluminum and lead acid batteries.

  • Questions about recycling or recycling container issues contact Facilities & Services at 217-206-6379.

Solid Waste

This term is used to describe regular trash and garbage that is disposed on a landfill.

  • For information about solid waste disposal, including schedules for garbage/trash dumpster removal contact Facilities & Services at 217-206-6531.

Spill and Emergency Response

The UIS Police have responsibility for the overall campus Emergency Response Plan. Incidental spill response is a function of various campus units.