Activities Overview
Week of the Young Child

The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The purpose of the Week of the Young Child is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. The Week of the Young Child is a time to recognize that children’s opportunities are our responsibilities, and to recommit ourselves to ensuring that each and every child experiences the type of early environment—at home, at child care, at school, and in the community—that will promote their early learning.
Trunk or Treat for Canned Goods

The Cox Children’s Center participates in an annual Trick or Treat for Canned Goods community service project. The children and staff, joined by family members and v dress up for Halloween and trick or treat for food that is then donated to the Central Illinois Foodbank. Embedded in our program is a strong belief in community service. We provide the children with as many opportunities as possible to get involved with causes that benefit local community members and groups. Since 2021, the event has been held as a Trunk or Treat.
Campus Engagement

Children engage with the greater UIS campus in a variety of ways. From the annual Butterfly Room bike ride to activities with other departments, the center's kids are often visible beyond the confines of the center and the playground.