Committee and Task Force Members
Scroll down through the accordion menu below to access membership for current committees, task forces, and working groups. Faculty university personnel committees are listed first, followed by an alphabetical listing of other groups.
Link to the committee archive page, where you will find Academic Affairs committees, task forces, and working groups which have completed their work and/or are no longer active.
Campus Promotions Committee (CPC)
Campus Promotions Committee Membership Criteria
“The Campus Promotions Committee (CPC) will consist of six (6) tenured faculty members, with one (1) elected by each College and two (2) elected at large, for staggered three (3) year terms. No more than one (1) faculty member may be from the same department.” – Faculty Personnel Policy, Article 2, Section 3. A. 3.
AY 24-25 Campus Promotions Committee Members
College-based members
- David Bertaina (CLASS-HIS, expires 24/25)
- Ping Guo (CHST-CSC, expires 26/27)
- Sudeep Sharma (CBM-MMO, expires 26/27)
- Vacant (CPAE, expires 24/25)
At-large members
- Patty Byrnes, CPC Chair AEF (expires 25/26)
- Neetu Singh, MIS (expires 25/26)
Campus Sabbatical and Awards Committee (CSAC)
Campus Sabbatical & Awards Committee Membership Criteria
“The CSAC shall consist of one (1) tenured faculty member elected from each College, one (1) student elected by the Student Government Association (SGA), and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs as an ex-officio, non-voting member. The faculty members will serve staggered two (2) year terms and the student will serve a one (1) year term.” – Faculty Personnel Policy, Article 2, Section 3. A. 5.
AY 24-25 Campus Sabbatical & Awards Committee Members
College-based members
- Atul Agarwal (CBM, expires 25/26)
- Ping Guo (CHST, expires 25/26)
- Jae Sik Ha (CPAE, expires 24/25)
- Elizabeth Kosmetatou, CSAC Chair (CLASS, expires 24/25)
Ex-officio, non-voting member
- Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs & Provost
CSAC Sabbatical Application Rubric
Tenure Review Committee (TRC)
Tenure Review Committee Membership Criteria
“The Tenure Review Committee (TRC) shall consist of seven (7) tenured faculty members elected at large by campus-wide vote of faculty members for staggered three (3) year terms. No more than two (2) faculty members may be from the same College. No more than one (1) faculty member may be from the same department.” – Faculty Personnel Policy Article 2, Section 3. A. 4.
AY 24-25 Tenure Review Committee Members
At-large members
- Brytton Bjorngaard, (CLASS-AMT, expires 26/27)
- Mark Buxton, TRC Chair (CBM-AEF, expires 24/25)
- Adriana Crocker (CPAE-PIA, expires 26/27)
- Stephanie Hedge (CLASS-ENG, expires 25/26)
- Roxanne Kurtz (Smith) (CHST-MSP, term expires 24/25)
- John Martin (CHST-ISP, expires 24/25)
- Hanfu Mi (CPAE-EDU, expires 25/26)
University Scholar Review Panel (USRP)
University Scholar Review Panel Membership Criteria
The Review Panel shall consist of one senior faculty member from each college (appointed by the Provost upon recommendation of the dean), one emeritus faculty member appointed by the Chancellor, and the Provost, ex-officio, as the Chair.
AY 24-25 University Scholar Review Panel Members
College-based members
- Bob Blankenberger (CPAE)
- Yanhui Guo (CHST)
- Shipra Gupta (CBM)
- Peter Shapinsky (CLASS)
Emeritus member
- Bill Bloemer
Ex-officio member & chair
- Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs & Provost
Academic Portfolio Review Task Force Fa24
- Michele Gribbins, Co-chair; Associate Provost for Institutional Research and Effectiveness
- Noah Reynolds, Co-chair; Associate Professor, Integrated Sciences, Sustainability and Public Health (CHST)
- Atul Agarwal, Professor, Management, Marketing and Operations (CBM)
- Salem Boumediene, Associate Professor, Accounting, Economics and Finance (CBM)
- Brian Clevenger, Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment and Retention Management
- Shane Harris, Associate Professor, Art, Music, & Theatre (CLASS)
- Steph Hedge, Associate Professor, English (CLASS)
- Mallory Jallas, Clinical Associate Professor, Library and Head, Information Literacy and Academic Outreach (ILAO)
- Matilda Kwarteng, Student Government Association
- Beth Ribarsky, Professor, Communication and Media (CPAE)
- Jorge Villegas, Associate Dean, CBM; Professor, Management, Marketing and Operations
- Magic Wade, Associate Professor, Politics and International Affairs (CPAE)
- Celest Weuve, Associate Professor and Director, Health Sciences (CHST)
Chairs Forum
Planning Team for AY 24-25: Karl McDermott (CBM), Carrie Switzer (CHST), Lynn Fisher (CLASS), Jun Wang (CPAE).
Link to the current list of Chairs/Heads/Directors
I. Name
The name of the forum shall be the Chairs and Heads Forum, University of Illinois Springfield.
II. Purpose
The purpose of the forum shall be:
A. To provide a venue for chairs and heads of departments across campus to communicate and collaborate.
B. To identify and discuss professional matters of common interest to academic unit coordinators, and collaborate in developing strategies to address challenges.
C. To solicit information from external sources on common items of interest.
III. Plan of Organization
A. All academic unit chairs and heads at the university will serve as members of the forum.
B. The Provost will serve in an ex officio capacity, providing information as requested and suggesting items for the agenda.
C. Meetings may be convened without the presence of the Provost.
D. Each year, members will elect a Facilitator, who will solicit items for the agenda, schedule meetings, facilitate discussions, and invite speakers as requested by members. If the Facilitator is absent, a volunteer (by vote, if necessary) may facilitate discussion.
E. Each year, members will elect a Recorder, who will take action notes summarizing the content of discussions (without identifiers). Action notes will be emailed to members within a few days, and corrections may be noted electronically. If the Recorder is absent, a volunteer may take notes. Notes will be housed with both the Facilitator and Recorder.
IV. Conduct of Business
A. The forum shall meet once every month September-April at an agreed upon time and location. The Facilitator shall distribute the agenda at least three days in advance of the meeting.
B. The forum’s structure and function may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the forum.
Approved by Chairs & Heads 10.4.17
Conflict Review Committee (CRC)
Conflict Review Committee Membership Criteria
Committee members include two faculty and one academic professional, serving staggered three-year terms. The Conflict Review Committee serves an advisory role to the Provost under the University system’s Conflict of Commitment & Interest Policy (see VII.F.).
AY 23-24 Conflict Review Committee Members
- Donna Bussell, Associate Professor, English & Modern Languages (through AY 24/26)
- Hanfu Mi, Professor, Teacher Education (through AY 23/24)
- Bryan Rives, AP representative (through AY 24/25)
Deans and Directors Council (DDC)
Members of Provost’s Deans & Directors Council (DDC) include:
- Brandon Schwab, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs & Provost
- Somnath (Som) Bhattacharya, Dean, College of Business & Management
- J. Travis Bland, Interim Dean, College of Health, Science and Technology
- Cecilia Cornell, Vice Provost and Director of Graduate Education
- Ty Dooley, Interim Dean, College of Public Affairs & Education
- Jackie Gillock, Director of Finance and Budget
- Michele Gribbins, Associate Provost for Institutional Research and Effectiveness
- Marc Klingshirn, Director, Capital Scholars Honors Program
- Molly Lamb, Executive Director, Center for State Policy & Leadership
- Tulio Llosa, Associate Provost for Information Technology & CIO
- Layne Morsch, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs
- Mark Morten, Director of Academic Resources and Business Operations (eff 1/16/25)
- Pattie Piotrowski, University Librarian and Dean
- Lucia Vazquez, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation
- Jorge Villegas, covering Undergraduate Education
- Miriam Wallace, Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
- Monica Kroft, Executive Advisor to the Provost
Equity Planning Taskforce Spring 2024
As part of the IBHE’s strategic plan, public universities in Illinois are required to create a holistic plan to address equity gaps in student enrollment, retention, progress, and graduation rates for marginalized, underrepresented groups. This is a wonderful opportunity to create a unified strategy to close gaps and strengthen education for all our students. The Equity Planning Taskforce is already getting started on the process to culminate in a sustainable, holistic plan including a timeline for implementation and milestones marking progress. It will be submitted to the IBHE in May. You are welcome to share your thoughts at any time by emailing any member of the taskforce.
- Tena Helton, Co-Chair, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education
- Ann Strahle, Co-Chair, Interim Associate Dean, College of Public Affairs and Education
- Carrie R. Allen, Director, Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment
- Shelby Bedford, Assistant Director, Access and Equity; Co-Chair, Belonging, Dignity and Justice Committee
- Bob Blankenberger, Professor, School of Public Management and Policy
- Patty Byrnes, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance
- Brian Catherwood, Director, Enrollment Management Data Analyst and Systems Service
- Cecilia Cornell, Associate Vice Chancellor for Graduate Education
- Lynn Fisher, Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology/Anthropology; Co-Chair, Belonging, Dignity and Justice Committee
- Kelsea Gurski, Associate Chancellor for Strategic Communications and Chief of Staff to the Chancellor
- Anne-Marie Hanson, Interim Associate Dean, College of Health, Science and Technology
- Alexis Harms, Graduate Student, Human Development Counseling
- Ella Lawrence, Program Director, Office of Financial Assistance
- Ken Owen, Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
- Justin Rose, Director, Diversity Center
- Frances Shen, Professor, Department of Psychology
- Tarah Sweeting-Trotter, Director, Center for Academic Success and Advising
- Ignat Striletskyi, Undergraduate Student, Political Science; SGA Representative/Campus Senate
- Jorge Villegas, Associate Dean, College of Business and Management
Link to shared Taskforce documents (UIS login required)
Faculty Workload Study Group AY23-24
Administrative representatives:
- Cecilia Cornell, AVCGE; Associate Professor, History; co-chair
- Ann Strahle, Associate Professor, Communication and Media
- Jorge Villegas, Associate Dean, CBM: Professor, Management, Marketing and Operations
- Brandon Schwab, VCAA/Provost, ex-officio
UPI representatives:
- Peter Shapinsky, Professor, History; co-chair
- Dathan Powell, Associate Professor, Art, Music and Theatre
- Frances Shen, Professor, Psychology
- Kristi Barnwell, Associate Professor, History, ex-officio
Provost’s Leadership Team (PLT)
Members of the Provost’s Leadership Team (PLT) include:
- Brandon Schwab, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs & Provost (VCAAP)
- Cecilia Cornell, Vice Provost and Director of Graduate Education (VPGE)
- Jackie Gillock, Director of Finance and Budget
- Michele Gribbins, Associate Provost for Institutional Research and Effectiveness (APIRE)
- Layne Morsch, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs (APFA)
- Mark Morten, Director of Academic Resources and Business Operations (DARBO) - eff 1/16/25
- Lucia Vazquez, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation (AVCRI)
- Jorge Villegas, covering Undergraduate Education
- Monica Kroft, Executive Advisor to the Provost