Common Data Set

General University


Academic Colleges, Programs, and Instruction

Minors Headcount

Historical Fall Headcount, by College, Level, Major and Online/On-ground Status 

Undergraduate Headcount:  Primary and Secondary Majors

Student Profiles, by College

Spring Terms

Summer Terms

Fall Terms

Spring 2024 Student Profiles

Summer 2024 Student Profiles

Fall 2024 (not yet available)

Spring 2023 Student ProfilesSummer 2023 Student Profiles Fall 2023 Student Profiles
Spring 2022 Student ProfilesSummer 2022 Student ProfilesFall 2022 Student Profiles
Spring 2021 Student ProfilesSummer 2021 Student ProfilesFall 2021 Student Profiles
Spring 2020 Student ProfilesSummer 2020 Student ProfilesFall 2020 Student Profiles
Spring 2019 Student ProfilesSummer 2019 Student ProfilesFall 2019 Student Profiles
Spring 2018 Student ProfilesSummer 2018 Student ProfilesFall 2018 Student Profiles

Undergraduate Students:  Demographics, by Major

Graduate Students:  Demographics, by Major 



Cost Study/Credit Hour Information

Retention, Degree Completion, & Alumni Outcomes
