What is a Sponsored Program?

Sponsored programs include grants, contracts, and collaborative agreements that are funded by an internal or external source. Each sponsored program has a named principal investigator or project director. Sponsored programs have a defined scope of work, deliverables, periods of performance, and budgets. These programs further the instructional, research, public service, or economic development objectives of the university through intellectual input to develop, determine, research, or identify a deliverable or result. Sponsors require project-specific financial and/or programmatic reporting at specified intervals.

Sponsored programs differ from revenue generating contracts and gifts/donations. If you are uncertain of which category funding is under, please visit Business and Finance policy 11.2, view our determination chart, or reach out to a member of our staff for assistance.

Further Information

ORSP Policies and ProceduresCommonly used sites and documentsResources
Research and Sponsored Programs Policy Manual (Box) 

FAQs on ORSP Policy Revisions (Box) 

Sponsored Projects Effort and Compensation Policy (Box)

AVCRIE Memo on Faculty Compensation (Box) 

AVCRIE Memo on Grants and Contracts Procedures (Box) 

Supplements to Sponsored Programs Policy (Box) 

Standard Operating Procedures for ORSP (Box)

IRB Policies and Procedures

Responsible Conduct of Research

myProposals: obtain approvals and route to Central Office

myResearch Portal: view grant information in one place
myDisclosures: electronically submit the annual RNUA

UIS Internal Budget Template (Box)

Potential Subrecipient Profile: must be completed by each proposed subrecipient prior to submitting proposals that include UIS funding to external entities

Sample Internal FY25 Budget (Box)

Sample Uniform State Grant Application (Box)

Sample Federal Grant Application (SF-424) (Box)

Detailed Budget Justification Sample (Box)

Business and Finance Page: Fringe and F&A Rates

Request for Waiver or Variance of Indirect Costs (Box)

NIH ASSIST and eRA Commons
UIS Institutional Profile (Box) (Common Grant Information)

UIS ORSP YouTube Channel
UIS Research Training Resources

Central Illinois Nonprofit Resource Center

UIS Division of Advancement

Budgets, Bios, Facilities, etc. for NSF (Box)

Funded grant proposals by UIS faculty and staff
The NSF Guide to Proposal Writing

NSF Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG), version 24-1

The University of Illinois Springfield is guided by the U of I System policy on contracts, grants, and intergovernmental agreements as set forth in the General Rules of the University of Illinois, Article II, Sections 4-7.

Additional policies that apply to contracts, sub-awards, and affiliation agreements are proscribed by the University of Illinois Office of Office of Business and Finance (OBFS).

Different Types of External Funding

Sponsored ProgramsRevenue Generating contractssponsored program or revenue generating project?zero dollar agreement
Contracts that bring in funds to the university based on faculty or staff intellectual activities are to be negotiated through the Pre-Awards office. Revenue Generating Contracts and Affiliation Agreements described on this page need to be routed through the Purchasing and Contracts Management using the Contract Approval Routing Form.The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs has prepared a table to summarize these distinctions. OBFS also has guidance on distinguishing between contracts, grants, and gifts when considering external funding.Other types of agreements that usually don’t involve funds include Material Transfer Agreements, Non-disclosure Agreements, Software-license and Data Use Agreements, which can be found on the Intellectual Property webpage.

For other unfunded agreements, use the Other Unfunded Agreement (eForm) to submit to ORA for routing and approvals.