The Space Allocation Committee is advisory to the Chancellor and will provide recommendations to the Chancellor as to the reassignment of spaces that become vacant as the result of new building construction, renovation, or other developments/events.

The Space Allocation Committee (SAC) reviews all requests for reallocation of physical space located in all university facilities unless prohibited by contract or funding source obligations, policy, or statute. This includes reassignment of space from one unit to another or space that would involve remodeling or construction.

In addition, the SAC will review major changes in use of space (for example, changing a conference/meeting space or classroom to offices).

The committee will not review requests for moves of personnel within a department’s existing space, such as reassignment of offices within the same department/center or assignment of space for special events.

Space Allocation Policy

Committee Members

  • Kenneth Kriz, Interim Vice Chancellor of Finance & Administration (Chair)
  • Chuck Coderko, Associate Vice Chancellor of Facilities & Services
  • Ross Owens, Chief of Police
  • Celest Weuve, Director Masters in Athletic Training Program/Assoc. Prof. & Chair
  • James Koeppe, Director of Recreation Sports
  • Lisa Bowen, Space Administrator
  • Jeff Sudduth, IT Technical Associate
  • Sarah Sagmoen, Director of Learning Commons and User Services/Clinical Assistant Professor, Information Literacy & Academic Outreach

Principles and Guidelines


These space management principles are constructed to provide a fundamental framework for the assignment of net assignable square footage and the more effective management of space resources. The physical facilities of the university are an asset crucial to the operations of the campus. The number, type, and condition of university spaces helps shape all aspects of campus programs and activities. The campus must manage its space resources with the utmost care to fully realize our academic potential and the full value of our facilities. As a result, current space assignments may need to change, and when new buildings are completed, the disposition of space in the new buildings and the released space in existing buildings must be allocated consistent with our institutional goals and objectives and to remedy critical space shortages.

Space management principles are not rigid prescriptions for space utilization. The following are key guidelines for the development and use of these space management principles on our campus:

  • They should be conceptually simple, consolidating various formulaic elements into single standards whenever possible;
  • They should be administered flexibly, encouraging creativity at the campus, provost, vice chancellor, college, and departmental levels;
  • They should be interpreted broadly and not become highly specific design standards where exact sizes of rooms are dictated without regard to need, function or facility constraints;
  • They should be accompanied by strong accountability and reporting requirements;
  • They should be reviewed on a regular basis.

Guiding Principles