Protecting Yourself and Your Business from International Threats
One-day conference featuring distinguished guest speakers and SANS Training
Studio Theatre Concourse
Public Affairs Center, 1st Floor
Conference Room C/D
University of Illinois at Springfield
Friday, March 12, 2010
SANS Registration 7:00 a.m. (optional)
General Registration 8:30 a.m
$30 Registration Fee
Includes refreshments and lunch
About the Theme:
There is a present and growing risk to businesses and individuals from international threats, both via cyber and physical means. Most foreign intelligence services that pose a risk to the United States have moved to an asymmetric posture, using both cyber-based and physical contact methods to gather intelligence information to gain a technological and/or military advantage. This asymmetric attack manifests itself in a variety of ways: direct attacks on major computer networks to steal information; compromising of key persons through e-mail and social networking on the Internet who may or may not be aware of their assistance to the adversary; and physically contacting U.S. persons both at home and while on foreign travel to compromise them and/or their electronic devices, among others. Due to the "take all" attitude of foreign intelligence services and the insiders they compromise, no one is immune. It is important for all of us to maintain a healthy respect for the privacy of our personal and business electronics and information in the global economy.
Conference Chair
Janis Rose
UIS Computer Science Department
(217) 206-8246
InfraGard Springfield Chapter President