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Dear Faculty and Staff —

Following our comprehensive search for the College of Health, Science and Technology dean position, I have decided not to offer the position to either of the two finalists presented for consideration. While it is disappointing that this search did not yield a successful candidate, I believe it is in the university’s best interest to pursue a new search in the future.

Moving forward, we will be seeking an internal interim dean to lead the CHST for the next two years. This will allow us time to better understand the needs of this developing college and the leadership traits that are most appropriate for the permanent dean. This interim position is open to any UIS tenured faculty. The position has been posted on our internal job board and closes May 17.

I am very grateful for the careful consideration our search committee gave to each applicant and finalist and for the members’ hard work supporting this search.

Thank you,


Janet L. Gooch, PhD


University of Illinois Springfield

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