- R. Loui, Things to Know About The NSA, FISA, and Section 215 that The Guardian (UK) Won't Tell You, FBI INFRAGARD Presentation, 2014.
- R. Loui, Practical Computer Security and A Plea From a Cyberwar Perspective. ASPA technology and Cyber Security Meeting, 2014.
- R. Loui. Mobile Platforms and Cyberwarfare: Diversity is Good Fragility is Bad Misplacement is Ugly. FBI INFRAGARD Presentation, 2013.
- Sviatoslav Braynov. Current Trends in Cyber Crime. Invited talk, the Council on Foreign Relations, St. Louis Committee, 2013.
- L. Vespa, Intrusion Security Automation. Academy of Lifelong Learning, 2014.
- Janis Rose, Protecting Personal Information in CyberSpace. Presented at the 2012 Annual Cisco Networking Academy National Conference, San Jose, CA June 2012.
- Janis Rose, Sharing CyberSpace with Three Friends and Three Million Others. Presented at the Southern Illinois University Summer Academy of Illinois Educators, July 2012.
- Janis Rose, Stop Think Connect Cyber Citizen Forum. Presented at the Cyber Citizen Forum, UIS in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security, Springfield IL, September 2011.
- Janis Rose, Protecting Personal Information in CyberSpace: Classroom Activities You Can Use. Illinois Technology Education Conference, Normal, IL, Oct 28 2011.
- Janis Rose, Online Privacy: Sharing CyberSpace with Three Friends and Three Million Others. Presented at Carl Sandburg College, Galesburg Illinois, March 2012.
- Janis Rose, Protecting Personal Information in CyberSpace 2: Classroom Activities You Can Use. Illinois State University Connections Conference, Pheasant Run, St. Charles Illinois, March 14 2012.
- Janis Rose, Don’t Walk the Web Without Watson. Presented at the Regional Office of Education, Springfield IL, April 2013.
- Janis Rose, Who’s Following You Online, How and Why. Presented at the Illinois State University Connections Conference, St. Charles IL, March 2012.
- Janis Rose, Smart Learning with Smart Devices. Presented at the 2013 Annual Cisco Networking Academy National Conference, San Jose CA, July 2013.
- Janis Rose, The Flipped Classroom. Presented at the 2013 Annual Cisco Networking Academy National Conference, San Jose CA, July 2013.
- Janis Rose, Your Digital Footprint: Who’s Watching You, How and Why. Presented at Illinois Association of Career & Technical Education, Bloomington IL, February 2014.
- Janis Rose, Smart Learning with Smart Devices. Presented at Illinois Association of Career & Technical Education, Bloomington IL, February 2014.
- Janis Rose, Smart Learning with Smart Devices. Presented at Summer Academy for Illinois Educators, Springfield Il, June 2014.
- Janis Rose, Your Digital Footprint. Presented at the 2014 Illinois Association of Administrative Professionals National Conference, Springfield IL, June 2014.
- Janis Rose, Your Digital Footprint. Presented at the Central Region Meeting of the Illinois Association of Administrative Professionals National Conference, Normal, IL, October 2014.
- Janis Rose, Smart Learning with Smart Devices. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Illinois Business Educators Association, Normal IL, November 2014.
- Janis Rose, Your Digital Footprint. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Illinois Business Educators Association, Normal IL. November 2014.