Fall 2023 Census
- Online majors made up 40.6% of UIS headcount
- Online majors are older than their on-campus counterparts:
- At the undergraduate level by 8.6 years (30.8 vs 22.2)
- At the masters level by 8.8 years (35.8 vs 27.0)
- Online majors have an average credit load of 8.1 hours. On-campus majors have an average credit load of 11.5 hours.
- UIS Online majors reside:
- in 42 states and DC
- in 86 counties in Illinois
- in 17 foreign countries
- 87.5% of online majors have mailing addresses outside Sangamon County
- 27.0% of online majors have mailing addresses outside of Illinois
- 82.8% of UIS students took at least one online course
- 46.4% of UIS students were registered only in online courses

Contact COLRS at (217) 206-7317 or colrs@uis.edu for additional data about online programs at UIS.