Academic Support Services
At CHST, we recognize that personalized attention is a key factor in student success. Our Academic Support Team, led by the Associate Dean, provides comprehensive support and guidance to every student.
What is your current situation?
Are you an undergraduate student with less than 30 Credit Hours?
If so, you will be advised by the Center for Academic Success. However, do not hesitate to contact our College advisors for guidance. We are here to help!
Are you an undergraduate student with more than 30 credit hours? Have you declared, or do you have interest in, a major within CHST? Are you a graduate student, prospective or otherwise?
If so, our academic support team is here to help!

Academic Support for Undergraduates
For assistance with applications, academic planning, exploring minors, or changing majors at CHST, our academic advisors are ready to help. Schedule an in-person or virtual appointment with us anytime throughout the year.
Some reasons for undergrads to visit us include:
- Guidance for prospective students on next steps and course scheduling.
- Assistance with adding a CPAA minor and managing academic challenges.
- Exploring internship opportunities and study abroad options.
- Support for major changes and navigating University resources.
Advise U is the quickest way for undergrads to:
- Identify your advisor and schedule an appointment.
- Build your next schedule and find instructions on registering, reading degree audits, submitting petitions, & more.

Academic Support for Graduate Students
Our graduate student support team complements the personalized academic advising provided by full-time faculty members within your department. Our team is here to support and advocate for you in administrative matters, ensuring a smooth path to your graduation.
Faculty Advisor Collaboration:
- Upon admission, you are assigned a faculty advisor to guide you in curriculum planning and course selection.
- Regular meetings with your advisor are crucial for monitoring progress and discussing continuing education or career options.
Navigating Academic Policies:
- Advisors are knowledgeable about current degree requirements and academic policies outlined in the UIS Catalog.
- Consult your advisor to understand academic policies, filing official paperwork, and departmental approvals.
Online Students
In addition to the services outlined above, be sure to check out the specialized care and support we provide via our online coordinators and other resources provided by the university.
Non-Degree Seeking Students
You can be confident that we were thinking about you. The main offices of our academic units can be reached through the directory. If you need help navigating the options or developing a strategy to achieve your educational objectives, we can put you in touch with the appropriate person to help you out.

Virtual Comment Box for Students
At CHST, we're dedicated to providing personalized attention to all our students, no matter their study mode or level. We value your feedback and encourage you to share your thoughts through our virtual comment box, helping us improve and tailor the CHST experience. Your input is crucial and highly valued.