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selfie of Summer Warner
Summer Warner
Education Coordinator
Child Watch Children's Advocacy Center

Hometown: I was born in Jackson, TN, but grew up in Jackson, as well as Dana Point, CA and Paducah, KY

Current Location: Paducah, KY

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what inspired you to pursue your current career path?

My background is an interesting combination of education, psychology, child welfare, and the creative arts. When I was in high school, my mom owned a daycare center and I began working for her when I was 15. In one of my high school classes, I took a career test and the first four career suggestions were all different types of therapists. However, despite this natural inclination toward psychology and my love of education, I was also a deeply creative child who dreamed of a career in the arts. After high school, I enrolled at North Park University in Chicago to study theatre, but left the college due to my own struggles with anxiety. When I enrolled at UIS years later, I felt ready to explore psychology as a degree (along with an English minor, as I am also a writer). In 2018, I became a licensed, medically complex foster parent, as well, which deepened my understanding of trauma and trauma-informed care. As a child myself, I had my own experiences with trauma and wanted to help others -- this has guided many of my life experiences, and I'm guessing is a large part of the reason I scored highly on that career test so many years ago.

I am currently in graduate school at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where I am studying to become a clinical social worker. Because of the understandably demanding nature of graduate school, I have stepped down a bit from my education coordinator role at a local children's advocacy center, although I still assist as needed, particularly with social media and website management. Interestingly, my additional background in theatre has been helpful for my role at Child Watch. I give presentations educating children on how to recognize and respond to potential abuse in their lives, or in the lives of their friends, which requires me to be engaging and interactive with the children.

Who or what has been your biggest influence or mentor in your journey?

I think the biggest influence on my journey has actually been my family. I am married and we have a daughter, Rhiannon, who is three. During my time at UIS, my spouse and I were fostering 3 children under the age of 2. I've been especially affected by the children in foster care who have shared our home with us through the years. We stay in regular contact with many of these reunified children and their families. I want to do what I can to ease the trauma of children in foster care, elevate their voices, and make some kind of difference in preventing abuse and providing healing.

What are your goals and aspirations for the future?

I would like to finish my Master's degree program at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and become a licensed clinical social worker. My focus is in mental health, but I am also interested in medical social work, especially with my background as a medical foster parent. I would love to eventually study expressive art therapies, once again combining my artistic interests with my psychology and social work education in order to provide enriching options for my clients.

What advice would you give to others who are looking to advance and make a difference in their field?

My advice is to take everything one day at a time. I think, especially as someone who was a little older and more of a non-traditional student during my time at UIS, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by pressure. I like to make written lists and plans to keep me on track, but also to clear my mind. I think, too, that it is important to volunteer (if feasible) in areas of your field that are important to you. Don't be afraid to be creative and combine your areas of interest, as I have done.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time that helps you stay inspired and motivated?

Walking in nature, creative writing, journaling, yoga, reading, photography, traveling, and singing or listening to music are all things that I enjoy doing in my free time, and things that I find uplifting. I also find spending time with my daughter or having lunch with my spouse to be the simple things that inspire the most gratitude and, in turn, motivation.